Faster Fulfilled Desires
multiply your income consistently


Money Overflows

is for successful entrepreneurs who are ready to create thriving revenue without increasing their workload by rewriting their personal energetic story.

What if you could 10x your income today?

What would that mean for you and your family?


Knots of frustration tighten, as tears start to break, I couldn’t believe we hadn’t enough money to get the baby’s milk.

His innocent eyes, so trusting and pure, depending on me to be his comfort and cure.


Little income trickling in.

House in the works.

Two toddlers in hand and nothing much in the purse.


Six months later, we were in our own home.

Twelve days before our third bud came home!

We even delivered him by surgery at a private hospital, and benefitted from a discount after it all.

Money Overflows and it has been overflowing since, not just for us, but for thrivers within!

Will you be next, can you tell, are you ready to activate your next income well?

Imagine your $3,000 investment turned into your next $30,000 income, what would you do with that money? 

Think about it

Would you…
Upgrade your living space?
Make that impromptu flight booking to anywhere in the world?
Pay for your kids extra-curricular classes and financially support them until they complete their first degree?
Get a new ride?
What would you do?

Always having money at your finger tips- especially for emergency and impromptu expenditures.
Paying your bills in advance and taking care of your rent/mortgage without hastle.
Always having a full pantry.
Grabbing all the items on your grocery list without reshuffling and budgeting.
You could have more disposable income to do more, have more and enjoy more, for the rest of your life.

What would life look and feel like to you then?

Hey! I’m Kamladevi Sharma, creator of the Money Overflows program.
As a Forbes featured Corporate Trainer and Coach, I understand that no amount of reading the wisest books, winning the lottery, pursuing the highest qualifications or inheriting massive amounts of wealth, can guarantee that you have money in your wallet at the ending of the month. 
You got to get good with money for money to work better for you.
Now, after intentionally mastering the MESS of money and investing in my growth, I’m on a mission to support thrivers with an energetically personalised roadmap that has consistently helped me and my clients to experience money overflows in their life and business.




You’re ready to activate your next income level & secure your financial future for the rest of your life!


If you’re looking to create thriving revenue, without increasing your workload, then money overflows is for you.


This is not your typical abundance mindset program.


You want to plateau to your next income level.

✅ You want the freedom to spend money as you desire without fear, anxiety and scarcity.

✅ You want to receive money faster than you need to spend, allowing the easy and consistent accumulation of wealth.

✅ You want to get better value for your money when investing.

✅ You want faster returns on your investment to be in a positive cash flow rather than increasing investment debt. 

✅ You want to be free from the daily grind and live in full enjoyment, even if you choose to stay in Corporate.

Money Overflows is for you!


But don’t take my word for it. 

See the results clients are getting in the scroll below…

Looking for a boost to the financial planning of your business?

🔥⚡️See what others are saying about this bonus! ⚡️🔥


So what do you get?

🔥 Aligned Money Growth Strategies

🔥 Interactive Sessions & Exercises

🔥 Income Planning Support 

🔥 12 Months Holding The Frequency For Money Overflows

🔥 Monthly Q&A

🔥 Customised Strategies For Your Financial Goals

🔥 Strengthened Prosperity Vows

🔥 Strategies For Wealth Creation

🔥 Manifesting With The Moon’s Phases

🔥 Ongoing Live Transformational Support

🔥 A Stronger Relationship With Money & Those Who Affect Your Money MESS

🔥 Strategic Planning For Corporate/ Business Success 

Program Features

Mindset Mastery



Discover how to break free from scarcity thinking and adopt a mindset of abundance that attracts wealth and opportunities.

Wealth Strategies



Learn proven strategies for managing and growing your money, including investment insights.

Financial Independence Roadmap


Craft a personalized roadmap to financial independence, setting clear goals and actionable steps to achieve the lifestyle you desire.

Community Support


Connect with like-minded individuals from Corporate & Entrepreneurship who are on the same path to financial abundance, fostering a network of support and inspiration.

Expert Guidance


Benefit from live coaching sessions and mentorship that will guide you through every aspect of your wealth-building journey.


🔥 Get VIT Access 🔥


🔥 Lifetime Access To The Money Overflows Support Community

🔥 Unlimited 1:1 Rapid Coaching In Telegram For 6 months

🔥 Going Live Infront A Monetizable Audience To Share Your Expertise & Market Your Services

🔥 Live Transformational Leadership & Coaching

🔥 Full Access To The Evolving Money Overflows Program

And potential for a lot more!

Imagine what we can create together in your life and business in collective energy!


    Money overflows is an income growth program which helps you to break free from limiting beliefs and get money
     working in your favour. Even if you have been working on your money mindset with other coaches, the layers are many and this
     program has been designed to help you hold the frequency of consistent thriving revenue, using a personalized roadmap that has 
     been tested and proven to work for those from all walks of life. 

    YES! This is a very personalized experience that fits your money mindset, energy and strategy. There are aspects of the roadmap
    that are general and can be independently acted upon, and there are other aspects that are personalized to your energy and
    unique vision. 

    As life changes, your roadmap will change. In Money Overflows, you have ongoing transformational support. Even if you
    experience major life changes, the strategies taught herein are flexible and adaptable to help you to secure your desired financial


Money Overflows is for you if you want to:

  • Develop a magnetic money MESS 
  • Benefit from energetic support as you hold the frequency for an overflow at your job and/ or business
  • Increase your sales and monthly income
  • Manifest capital investments
  • Get better value for your spendings
  • Always have money in your wallet
  • Have fun with your money & allow money to work better for you and your family
  • Pass on the MESS alignment to your kids and their kids to ensure the multiplication of generational wealth
  • Always know what to do to be in alignment anytime a tough financial decision has to be made
  • Develop your money mastery skills consistently to attract more and better results
Even if you don’t have a job and your home is being supported by a single income, you get to apply the strategies in money overflows and watch money multiply easily. 

There are lots of free content online that can help you to improve your money mindset. But there is no immediate attunement to the energy of a positive inflow, nor can you hold the frequency of a consistent overflow with free resources.
So being at the mercy of time as you build momentum in self-attunement, can you really afford the time, money and energy investment to learn by trial and error, when you can avoid the potential pitfalls and get money flowing in your favour in money overflows?
Plus, if doing it by yourself was working well for you, do you have the financial results you desire in your job, life and/or business today?

Now if you haven’t as yet, what are you waiting for?

Join us in Money Overflows!

Thrive! Not just survive!

Money Mindset + Energy + Strategy = Lifetimes Of Fulfillment ➡️

By transforming your money mindset and acquiring the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions, you get to create a life filled with abundance and prosperity.


You are meant to do, be and have more for the time and energy you invest daily at your job and/or business!

Let’s ignite your wealth potential together!

See you in Money Overflows!

Rewrite your financial destiny and step into a world where money overflows!

Love soaking it all in till the end, don’t you?

Last chance!

Sign up for money overflows and take the first step towards a future of limitless possibilities!



You are safe to invest in yourself. 
The skills you’ll learn here are for a lifetime so get ready to recreate your financial destiny today!