Showing 11 Result(s)

Assessing A Candidate’s Mindset From Basic Interview Questions

Numerous studies have shown that rapid employee turnover is detrimental to a company’s success. The time, energy and financial resources needed to allocate to the advertising, recruiting, selection and training processes can be underestimated and over budgeted, if employees leave a company frequently. Moreover, the corporate image and culture of the company becomes questionable in …

Deriving Satisfaction In A Red-Tape Environment

Red-tape environments or bureaucratic environments, are still prominent in many businesses and governments all over the world today. Coined since 1864 by Max Weber, the model can be undoubtedly relied upon for its administrative benefits of: -structured duties and responsibilities that prevent overlap,-standard rules and procedures for consistent employee behaviours,-systems and processes for transparency and accountability and,-improved performance for employees who specialise in their jobs. This model of a clear hierarchy is ideal if you want to ensure the ease and flow of …

Parenting In 2020

“I love my kids but parenting is such a drag at times that I can’t enjoy a stay-in-bed flu for half of a day.” I felt this one deeply when a mama of 4 spoke to me lastnight. Indeed parenting is a challenge and it’s a bigger challenge now with all that is taking place …

Is Valentine’s Losing Its Significance Year After Year?

Valentine’s Day, in honour of Saint Valentine and celebrated on February 14 every year, has gained popularity all over the world today. Some argue that they don’t need a special day to show their love because ‘we should love every day’. Others argue that the day has become so ‘commercialised’ and diluted that it’s losing …

Sparing Yourself The Trauma & Cost Of A Divorce

? “Every 13 seconds there is 1 divorce in America.” ? “60 percent of all divorces involve individuals aged 25 to 39.” ? People are divorcing in the US because of: “Lack of commitment- 73%”“Argue too much- 56%”“Infidelity- 55%”Among others. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2019) ? Today I was asked by someone, “how do you make a marriage last given …

?‍♂️Take action. It’s worth it!

? Having a strong business background, I believe that every investment we make should work for itself.  ?‍♀️ To a large extent, I consciously applied this knowledge in making financial decisions for investments other than my skills development. With my intuitive mind, I was and, continue to be darn successful in that regard. ? But to be honest, …

A Growth Mindset

The best gift you can give a child is a growth mindset. Allow them to have progressive thinking. Tell them that they can tap into their magic and do better than you are doing. Encourage them to live a life that is better than the one you have created for them. Guide their energies to …